Stop the Bleed Training

STOP THE BLEED is a national awareness campaign and call to action launched by the Department of Homeland Security. The goal of STOP THE BLEED is to promote grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before first responders arrive. 

No matter how rapid the arrival of first responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, making it imperative to know how to quickly stop the blood loss.

The STOP THE BLEED campaign is an initiative to provide bystanders of emergency situations with the tools and knowledge to stop life-threatening bleeding. There are simple steps that can be taken by bystanders in an emergency situation to stop or slow life-threatening bleeding, which can save lives.

Research has shown that bystanders can become heroic lifesavers with little or no medical training. Improving public awareness about how to stop severe bleeding and expanding personal and public access to Bleeding Control Kits can be the difference between life and death for an injured person.

HOPS is a registered Stop the Bleed training facility. We offer free classes to the community and organizations within our community. If interested in attending or having HOPS teach a class for you or your organization, please email us at