Properly Display Your 911 Address

When an emergency happens, every second counts. You don’t want those seconds to be spent by emergency responders trying to find your house because you haven’t properly displayed your address on 911 address plaques. The good news is you just need to follow 10 simple steps to help ensure you can be found when an emergency happens.

Step 1: Know Your 911 Address
Your 911 address is used by first responders to locate you during an emergency. In Bradford County, your 911 address should be your mailing address. However, be sure that you know your correct address and your mailboxes are not marked with one of the old addresses on them.

Step 2: Be Visible from Both Directions
Posting your address number on your mailbox makes it easier for responders to find you, but remember, numbers should be posted on both sides of the mailbox. Emergency vehicles may not arrive from the same direction as your mail carrier. In addition to posting numbers on your mailbox, the entry to your driveway should be marked with your 911 address numbers if the mailbox sits across the road from your house.

Step 3: Be Visible in the Dark
Responders may need to find you at night. Illuminate any numbers on your house at nighttime. Numbers on a mailbox or post at the end of your driveway should be reflective and on a highly contrasting background to ensure they’re easy to see at night. The standard is to utilize a green background and white/silver letters that are reflective.

Step 4: Use Large Numbers
When creating 911 address number signs, use numbers that are at least 3 inches high.

Step 5: Locate Near the Road
If your house is not visible from the road, it is important that you post numbers on a sign, post, or pole so they can be clearly seen from the road. If your house is hidden from view at the beginning of the driveway, only posting numbers on your home does not help responders recognize where you live as they are driving by. It is not recommended that you post the number on a gate or fence at the driveway because those numbers aren’t visible when the gate is open.

Step 6: Post Twice on Long or Shared Driveways
If your driveway leads to more than one address, post all numbers at the end of the driveway. Then post the correct number on each house or building.

Step 7: Uncover the Numbers
Remember to frequently trim any bushes, weeds, flowers, or grass away from your signs so that all numbers are clearly visible. If you have hanging flowers, flags, or other items on your porch that block your 911 address numbers from being seen quickly by responders, move them.

Step 8: Shared Mailbox Area
f your mailbox is located on a community post with other mailboxes, it is extremely important that you also post your address at the end of your driveway. It is difficult for an emergency responder to know which house is yours when there are shared mailboxes in an area and no signage on your driveway to identify your home.

Step 9: Buy or Make Your Signs
Remember, in an emergency, seconds can make a life-saving difference. Make sure your 911 address numbers are posted on your house or business and are also posted where they are easy to see from the road. You can purchase street numbers and 911 address sign kits at most hardware stores, department stores, and online. CC Allis carries them locally in the HOPS coverage area.

Step 10: Test It Out
Finally, drive the road to your house in both directions during the day and at night. Pretend you’ve never been to your home before, and see how quickly you can spot your 911 address numbers as your approach your driveway and then your home.